HI All
I thought I should start a Selenium blog posts series. In this series I will try
to cover selenium related beginning thins to Advance features. In this series I’ll do it using Java and I have
listed the pre-requisites
to start up. Hope to cover whole series within 2 months. After
that I’ll think of doing a series of selenium using C# and MStest.
Pre Conditions
Install Eclipse
Download TestNG latest jar file
Download Selenium server latest jar file
Install Selenium IDE
Install Eclipse
Download TestNG latest jar file
Download Selenium server latest jar file
Install Selenium IDE
Creating the Project in Eclips
Create New Java Project
Create a new package for testscripts
Now in your source folder create a new folder name Lib
Then place your Selenium Standalone server executable jar file in to the Lib folder
And place your TEstNG executable jar file in to the same
Eg - selenium-server-standalone-2.20.0
Go back to the project
Build path -- > Configure Build path
In Libraries tab add the External Jars (which are in the
Lib folder)
Now go to the testscripts package and add new Class
Now in your main class , Create code to start the Selenium Server
Selenium Sel = new
DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*firefox",
Start the Selenium Server by type this command -
Run the project and verify weather selenium browser
start or not
Now we’ll start our test script
If you don’t have Selenium ID installed then open a
firefox browser and get installed.
If it’s already installed then you can start the IDE
by Tools à
Selenium IDE
Once you start the IDE now type the URL in your
In my App it’s Http://ABC.Logon.aspx
In this scenario it’s navigating to a Login page
First I type Username , then password and Then Submit
button .
All of my Actions will record in the Selenium IDE
Now when you select each action you can find the command , target object and the values
Now you can create your script according to this
Following is my script for the Login
Additionaly I have put a waitforpageload command because I need to
wait until my page loads after I click logon button
Now run this file … it should
Now we need to make use of the TestNG which is a testing
framework. We can make automation test cases now
Earlier we have mapped
TestNG jar file to the project
Now I can use @Test annotation
to make my test case.
Then I can use methods instead of the main method, (no need of
main method now )
Now I rename my main methof to testSucessLogin()
void testSucessLogin() {
Now I can create another method to verify the invalid
void testInvalidLogin() {
When I enter an invalid password system will give me
an errormsg , so I need to catch it and verify it
Selec t and right click on error msg and then select the command
verify textid
Now in Selenium IDE it display as this
You can write this assert as this -
Sel.getText("id=ErrorDetailLabel"), "Incorrect user name or password!");
Make sure you get the TestNG Assert when you selecting Assert from the list. (Becuase junit assert is also there )
Now my Test method looks like this
void testInvalidLogin() {
Sel = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*firefox",
"Incorrect user name or password!");
Now I am going to create a Test Base class. Concept of testbase
class is to initialize my variables , create new objects and so
Create a new package - Com.ABC.test.Util
Under that package create new Class -
In this class create the
Selenium new Object
class TestBase {
Selenium Sel = new
DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*firefox",
Now you don’t need to create Selenium objects each
time you create a tests.
Go to the TestLogin class and Extend the TestBase
public class TestLogin extends
Now if you need to Start the selenium for this class
you can create a constructor and start the selenium
Now you can Run and check your tests :)
In my Next post i'll explain about TestNG XML and How
you run your tests using TestNG xml .....
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