Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Selenium / Telerik Test Studio / Microsoft Coded UI

Test Tool
       Many language support (Java, C#, Python and Perl)
       Multiple Browser support (Firefox, IE, Chrome etc)
       Can extended as MSTest , TestNG, or Juint test suite.
       Open Source.
       Support the C#
       Easy to use external Data Source
       Multiple Browser support (Firefox, IE, Chrome etc)
       Visual Studio plug-in for coding pros
       Bug tracking  with Telerik TeamPulse or TFS.
       Can extended as MSTest test suite.
       Automatically generate more advance Code compared to Selenium or Telerik
       Support the C#
       Integration TFS, Test Manager.
       Can extended as MSTest test suite.
       Test Builder uses as many attributes as possible to identify UI controls, which makes the tests less vunerable to changes of the UI control attributes